Science Highlights
Task 3: Marine EcologyDO (dissolve oxygen) was the key variable shaping the microbiota communities in water and sediment. A hypoxic zone (DO level <2.8mg/L) was observed at the mouth of Pearl River Estuary (PRE), which is close to the coasts of Macau and Hong Kong. The sediment from close to the coastline of Lantau Island in Hong Kong … Continue reading Task 3: Marine Ecology

We conducted observational and numerical modeling studies to investigate the coupled circulation between Mirs Bay to the east of Hong Kong and the adjacent shelf sea during an upwelling season. We synthesized long- and short-term observations to characterize the circulations in the bay-shelf region and identified their linkage. We utilized a three-dimensional circulation model with … Continue reading Task 4: Coupled Shelf-Bay Circulation Dynamics

The stable N and O isotopes (δ15N and δ18O ) of nitrate (NO3–) showed a clear spatial gradient around Hong Kong and indicated that significant nitrate assimilation is taking place in the southern waters of Hong Kong.

The observation and simulated temperature and salinity by assimilation experiments and model at July

Monthly precipitation and simulated hydrological fluxes at: (a) BL; (b) SJ; (c) GY

Simulated horizontal distribution of (a) bottom velocity vector and magnitude, depth averaged (b)

Average concentrations of OA, PTX2, GYM-A detected in PRD seawater samples

Phytoplankton species observed in the site F805 in Hong Kong Water. A-E: Skeletonema spp., F: Chaetoceros decipiens, G: Chaetoceros radicans, H: Chaetoceros tortissimus, I: Chaetoceros debilis, J: Chaetoceros curvisetus, K: Chaetoceros lorenzianus, L: Detonula pumila, M: Dactyliosolen fragilissimus, N: Pseudo-nitzschia sp., O: Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata, P: Pseudo-nitzschia pungens.

Phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, silicate, TAlk, DIC, DO and pH in surface and bottom waters during leg 1 (before Typhoon Roke).

In a map format, Figures (1) shows the physical properties of the surface bed sediments collected from the Shelf Cruise and HKW cruise in Summer 2017,