2018 Symposium
Symposium on Ocean Circulation, Ecosystem, HypoxiA and CoNsequences (OCEAN_HK) 2018
The annual symposium of “Ocean Circulation, Ecosystem and HypoxiA around Hong Kong watsers (OCEAN_HK)” is continue to hold in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on 5-6 March 2018. The symposium is organized by RGC funded Theme-based Research Scheme project: “Diagnosis and prognosis of intensifying eutrophication, hypoxia and the ecosystem consequences around Hong Kong waters: coupled physical-biogeochemical-pollution studies”. The team has completed stage one of the project plan with favorable outcome, this symposium will serve to review the project progress, and draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas for future years. Meanwhile, scientists from mainland China and overseas will also attend the symposium, it will be a scarce occasion to have a high-level scientific discussion, regarding to eutrophication and hypoxia in the ocean, in Hong Kong. We aim to advance full-spectrum understanding of physical, biogeochemical, and pollution processes that control the eutrophication and hypoxia. We emphasize interdisciplinary study with world-class methodology and multi-scale perspective of ocean in the linked river-estuary-shelf-basin system.
Date: 5-6 March, 2018
Lecture Theatre, Institute of Advanced Study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Program for Symposium on OCEAN_HK 2018
Prof. Jianping Gan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof. Minhan Dai, Xiamen University
Prof. Paul K. S. Lam, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Hongbin Liu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Organized by OCEAN_HK Theme-based Research Scheme of Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC)
Sponsored by School of Science, Department of Ocean Science, Department of Mathematics and Institute of Advanced Study of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology