Data Policy Agreement

Research Data Policy for TRS Project: Diagnosis and Prognosis of Intensifying Eutrophication, Hypoxia and the Ecosystem Consequences around Hong Kong Waters: Coupled Physical-biogeochemical-pollution Studies (OCEAN_HK)

This policy is to regulate the distribution, usage, sharing and publishing of data of the TRS project. It aims to have better data sharing and right-protection of the data for the benefit of the research of the OCEAN_HK project.

1. Data “includes all data collected from R/V mapping, stationed buoy and satellite remote sensing, and data generated from laboratory experiments and/or modelling calculation”. Data includes the raw and calibrated data, table results, graphs or graphics.

2. You are obligated to submit data regarding to your task to OCEAN_HK project office in less than half year after each cruise, and an extension of the submission date should be pre-noticed to and approved by the project office.

3. In accordance with international practice, OCEAN_HK encourages the re-use of existing data collected and therefore encourages all participants to share the collected data among OCEAN_HK project groups. In principle, the data generated from this project are needed to share within project groups.
If you need to use any unpublished data from other groups, no matter presented it in any format, you should obtain the consent from the data provider first and submit the “Shared Data Use Application Form” to the Project Office for filing (Please refer to appendix for the application form and procedure).

4. Depending on the actual research needs, the data user should specify the scope of use of data based on the format requested by task groups or responsible unit or person.

5. Data providers should ensure the data reliability (such as accuracy and precision, including the QA and QC information), and should indicate the data collection methods, processing methods, and the scope of use, etc.

6. Data user should respect the rights of data providers, and adhere to following data sharing rules:
(1) User should obtain the permission for any form of publication using the data.
(2) User should not use the unpublished data as a main basis for discussion or paper writing. Name of data owner or responsible person should be indicated in the places where the corresponding data is shown;
(3) The unpublished data should not be described in detail, in order to avoid suspicion on duplicated issue (if there is no data owner or responsible person among collaborators, please still avoid to describe related method).
(4) No data and details, no matter presented it in any format, are allowed to distribute to third parties.
(5) After the data announced for 3 years, project members are able to use the shared data to publish paper with consent from project coordinator and data providers, and ensure the data providers are not conducting similar study, in order to avoid duplication of data.

7. If data user discovers any problem about the shared data, they should report to the data providers immediately.

8. This agreement is a mutual agreement on the basis of academic reputation and development of both parties, any violation will be subject to criticism. For illegal article submission or publishing, project office will inform corresponding publication and retain the right to take further legal action.

9. “Shared Data Use Application Form” is appended to this agreement. After data users and data providers agree with the collaboration details on the scope of shared data, both parties should fill in “Shared Data Use Application Form” to confirm the collaboration details. Data users and data providers are required to sign three copies of the “Shared Data Application Form. Each party should keep one original copy respectively and send one original copy to the project office for future verification.

10. For any other matter derived from this agreement should be resolved through consultation with project members.

11. This Agreement enter into force as of July 1, 2017.