2017 Pearl River Estuary Model Data

Title: Pearl River Estuary
Resolution: Less then 200m
Institution: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Temporal Frequency: July 2017 Daily Mean Data
Computational Grid: [112.7oE-115.0oE, 20.9oN-23.3oN]


The variables in the netcdf file includes: longitude, latitude: horizontal grid system. mask: land-sea mask. level : depth of the data in the water below the sea surface. u: zonal velocity (m/s positive value for eastward velocity) in the water column, whose depth is defined in variable “level”. v: meidional velocity (m/s positive value for northward velocity) in the water column, whose depth is defined in variable “level”. w: vertical velocity (m/s positive value for upward velocity) in the water column, whose depth is defined in variable “level”. BE CAUTIOUS WHEN YOU’RE USING A VERTICAL VELOCITY FROM CONTINUITY EQUATION. ubar: the zonal velocity (m/s positive value for eastward velocity) vertically averaged in the water column from sea surface to bottom. vbar: the meridional velocity (m/s positive value for northward velocity) vertically averaged in the water column from sea surface to bottom. zeta:  sea surface elevation (m). temp: potential temperature (degree C) referring to sea surface in the water column. salt: salinity in the water column.

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Physical variables

The PRE Model Daily Data for July 2017

Biochemical variables

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